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Dutch Ambassador to Romania H.E. Mr. Van Bonzel's farewell speech.
Dutch Ambassador to Romania H.E. Mr. Van Bonzel's farewell speech. PART 2
Ambasadorul Olandei, excelenţa sa Matthis van Bonzel
The Netherlands wins a prize at Diversa Global 2018
closing business event Barcelona 12th
Jeremy in conversation with Matthijs van Bonzel
Entrevista con Matthijs van Bonzel, embajador de Holanda en España
Why not Ghana Beyond Corruption? - Dutch ambassador
Lansare Global Compact Network Romania - interviu Matthijs van Bonzel
Ambassador Rice Delivers Farewell Remarks to the United Nations
Opening event ONE HUNDRED restrooms- La Vaguada
Fresh Refresh&fostul ambasador al Olandei în România şi Republica Moldova, Matthijs Van Bonzel